Daily Educational Program

7-8:30 A.M. Children Arriving

Individual choice of free play and socialization. The staff will “open” areas of the room and set up activities. A variety of small muscle and manipulative equipment is changed daily during this period. Play experiences are encouraged and promoted as a foundation for preschool growth. The teachers and children use this time to adjust and prepare for the day in a home-like atmosphere.

8:30-9 A.M. Breakfast

The time will depend on the class. Everyone will not necessarily eat at the same time. This is a relaxed, flexible meal. A hot breakfast is served three times per week, and cereal is offered on the other two days.

9-9:30 A.M. Transition

During this time, the children will clean up and prepare to go outside.

9:30-10:30 A.M. Gross Motor Activities

Large muscle activities are encouraged either on the playground or in the mini-gym. A combination of group and individual activities are presented with emphasis on the child’s needs. With the exception of rainfall, heavy snow, or extreme temperatures, the children will be outside. 

10:30-11:45 A.M. Group Time & Curricular Activities

Concept discussion and activities pertaining to curricular topics and projects, group time, language development, songs, stories, finger plays, show and tell, games and music. The teacher presents the daily program plan; children choose from various available activities. Pre-academic readiness is emphasized through a multitude of media focused on sensory development. The child’s maximum potential growth is the goal as the child learns and explores in a creative setting. During this time, music and movement are incorporated into the activities.

11:45-12 P.M. Clean Up, Wash and Group Time

Children develop self-help skills and help others to prepare for lunch.  They join in a group to settle for lunch through participation in stories or songs, and share with the others in the group.

12-12:40 P.M. Lunch

Teachers and children socialize and share during mealtime. Proper manners and clean up are encouraged.

12:40-1 P.M. Book Time/ Music Listening and Preparation for Nap

The lights are turned down, and story and music tapes are played.  Children use the bathroom, and select nap books.

1-2:30 / 3 P.M. Rest Time

Each child has his/her own cot and sleeping place. A favorite blanket or cuddly item to sleep with is encouraged.

2:30-3:30 P.M. Wake Up Time

Children help dress themselves and put away their sleeping things.

3-3:45 P.M. Snack Time

The children are offered a snack and milk/water as they awaken.

3-4 P.M. Small Group Play

The staff prepares the room with activities. The children may choose what interests them. This is a flexible time segment that is structured to the needs of the individual child.

4-5 P.M. Large Motor Activities

The children are taken outside or to the mini-gym depending on weather.

5-6 P.M. Individual Choice Time and End of Day Transition

The children may choose what interests them from selected activities, or assist in preparing the classroom for the end of the day. This program schedule does not reflect the special activities and programs for the children. There are special guests, on-going projects and units, field trips for Pre-K Camp in the summer, portfolios, parent education information and referral services, newsletters for parents, parent seminars, and family festivals.