“The healthy menu and food that Nielsen provides the children is thoughtfully organized, organic (lunches) and locally grown. The teachers keep a log of everything the children eat at lunch, so I know exactly what Benjamin ate. The variety of food is also so impressive, from organic chicken to taco bar, to Thanksgiving turkey lunch. Also, every lunch has fresh fruit and vegetables. I often joke that Benjamin eats way better than I do!”
– Jennifer Ping, parent

As more and more parents enrolling in our school requested healthier foods, we began the process of improving our breakfast, lunch and snack options. Although we knew this change would be more costly, we also knew the benefits it would bring. We began searching for new catering options. We wanted to get away from school lunch programs that offered mostly processed, often times unrecognizable lunches and instead, offer nutritious food with more whole grains, fruits and veggies, and proper portion size. Learn more about our caterer and details about "going organic" at Organic Life.