We are grateful for the diversity of our staff and families and hope that you feel comfortable sharing information about your background and beliefs so we can make learning experiences more meaningful.
We teach in English but are interested in supporting and valuing your child’s and family’s home language. Please share simple words and phrases with us that will help your child feel comfortable. Gifts or loans of music and books in your language are also welcome.
You are an important part of creating an assessment plan for your child/children. Let us know your hopes, dreams and goals for your child. Share what you see as strengths and areas you’d like to see your child improve.
To assess children’s development we use Illinois Early Learning Standards published by the State Board of Education.
Assessment Procedures include: observation, documentation, discussion with teaching team and family, goal setting and evaluation.
Teachers use the results from assessments to share progress with families and administration. All records are kept confidential in locked cabinets and only shared or released with prior parental consent.
There are many ways to volunteer at your child’s program. Some ideas are: visit the class, read a book, share a special talent, work on a committee, help plant gardens. Ask your teacher for other ideas of ways to volunteer.
Our staff is fully trained in pediatric CPR/First Aid.
We would love for you to take on a Leadership Role in your child’s program by becoming a Room Parent. If you are interested, please let your Lead Teacher know.
We are an internship site for students of education from local colleges and universities.
We offer sibling discounts. Families with two children receive 5% on the less expensive tuition. Families with three children receive a 10% discount on the least expensive tuition and a 5% discount on the next least expensive tuition.
The Center provides a translator when needed. Let the staff at the front desk know if you would be willing to translate and/or if you need a translator.
We keep an up to date file of community resources that include speech and language and developmental therapists, medical resources, family intervention and support services. Speak to Age Level Coordinators or the Director for referrals
Parent feedback is critical to our program improvement efforts. We send questionnaires to parents leaving the school as well as to our current families to get important suggestions.
Parents and staff work together on Community Projects to support Northfield Township Food Pantry, Chicagoland Book, Toy and Clothing Drives.
We have a nurse consultant who visits our program monthly. She is available as needed for questions, concerns or additional visits.
All of our staff are trained and certified in CPR and Pediatric First Aid.
We are grateful to families who have referred others to us. You will receive a gift card of a free membership to the Kohl Children’s Museum for any referrals that register and maintain their enrollment for three months. If you refer more than one family, you will get a $50 gift card for each additional family.
Program improvement efforts include your suggestions and feedback. Drop a note with suggestions at the front desk, attend Director Chat’s and make out yearly surveys and questionnaires.
A big part of what we do depends on the assessment of each child. Some of the assessment instruments we use are:
Daily communication sheets (Infant)
Quarterly observations and goal sheets (Infant)
Ages and Stages Screening (all programs)
Touch Base Phone Calls (all programs)
Portfolios with Work Samples and Developmental Checklists (all programs
Conferences (all programs)
Anecdotal notes (all programs)
Only 9-10% of Preschools and Child Care Center are accredited by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) We are proud to be one of them.
The program staff do everything they can to accommodate breastfeeding moms, including storing milk, providing a private nursing room, and instructing staff on handling procedures.
Staff are trained in allergy awareness and administration of epi-pens.
Our Center has a call and emergency button in every room, on the playgrounds and in the mini-gym.
Our safety precautions are only as good as the staff and parents who help us maintain them. Drive safely in parking lots and do not let anyone enter our school with you unless you know them.
We have community event news on the community and parent communication board above the tuition box in our lobby.
When a program evaluation is completed, you will be given a final report of the findings.
We are a peanut free environment.
We are organic. We serve only organic milk, organic lunches and breads and provide fresh fruits and vegetables.
We won awards for building design in 1988 when we were built specifically for children birth-six.
Our address is in Northbrook but we are incorporated and receive services from Glenview.
We have a full day kindergarten program and we are considered a private kindergarten in Glenview’s School District 31.
Newsletters have information about community activities and available community support.
The School Handbook has information about the program philosophy and goals, program rules and expectations.
Birthday Lists and the Parent Directory are available by email upon request from our Business Coordinator at the front desk.
We have an open door policy and parents may come and go anytime between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
We believe that young children learn best through play. Play helps children reach their full potential.
We have an active volunteer program of diverse ages and nationalities. Volunteers are not counted in ratio but provide many special opportunities for children to enjoy their talents, care and love.
We have a Volunteer Board of Directors made up of members of the Nielsen family, community representatives and past or current parents.
Our administrative team consists of a Business Coordinator, Human Resource Coordinator, Age Level Coordinators and an Executive Director.
We have fully trained and valued substitutes and floaters who work on a regular basis to cover for staff who are on vacation, sick or out on a personal day.
We provide time for our staff to meet to reflect on their teaching, assess children and plan curriculum.
All staff keep current on information in early childhood education and spend a minimum of 15-20 clock hours per year on professional development.
We have access to professionals who help us work successfully with the child, teachers and family as needed. (School Nurse, Social Workers, Psychologists, Developmental Specialists)
We assess children in the following areas of development:
Our teachers have degrees in early childhood education and or related fields with college courses in child development and family.
We have radiant heated floors.
We are inspired by the schools and philosophy of Reggio Emilia. For more information see our website at gbnchildcare.com
Did you know that there is a wealth of information on the parent area of our website. Please visit it often. The parent username is parent and the password is parent123.
We set up two emergency evacuation sites adjacent to our facility. They are Astellas and Allstate.
Allstate allows visitors to use their interior road system to allow for easier and safer access to our Center.