Parent / School Partnership
For the school to fulfill the goals of its philosophy, we need to develop cooperation and mutual respect between home and school. This is most easily accomplished when:
- Parents read the newsletters.
- Staff communicate freely with families.
- Parents keep the school fully informed of changes in the family’s life. Please call in absences Let us know if one or both parents are out of town Let us know if your child did not sleep well
- Staff plan child-centered curriculum to meet the needs of the individual child.
- Parents attend the family functions, educational seminars, and transitional parent meetings.
- Parents participate in class projects and activities
To facilitate orientation into the program, the school provides parent meetings prior to their child’s transition into the school. Individual parent/teacher conferences are held at each stage when children advance to new classrooms. Other than brief conversations, we must request that parents avoid engaging staff members in lengthy discussions at drop off and pick up time.
Please feel free to approach an administrator or the teacher in charge of the classroom regarding any concerns or questions you may have about the program. Conferences may be scheduled at any time to discuss concerns parents may have. Should your concerns still not be sufficiently addressed, you may speak with the Executive Director and/or the Board of Directors.