Preschool - Kindergarten Transition
Transition Packets
As your child transitions from one program to another, you will be required to attend a transition meeting. You will meet the age level coordinator, as well other parents whose children are transitioning at the same time. At these meetings you will be given necessary information to ensure a successful transition for your child and family.
Preschool - Kindergarten
The transition to kindergarten is a major milestone. Many of our first memories of school come from our own kindergarten experiences. For families at GBN, the time between preschool and kindergarten is a time for you to consider options. Will you enroll your child in a public school program and choose to provide before and after school experiences to wrap around the part time hours? Will you decide on a parochial school education for kindergarten or first grade? Will you choose GBN’s full day kindergarten program? In order to help parents make this decision, we provide an in-depth Kindergarten Information Meeting generally held in January. You will hear from parents whose children have made the transition to kindergartens and first grades in the community. We will give you detailed information about GBN’s junior/senior kindergarten program. Our Kindergarten Teachers and Age Level Coordinator will be on hand to help you decide what is the best option for your child and family. If you choose to enroll in Nielsen’s junior/senior kindergarten program, you will be invited to a transition meeting in August (at the end of our summer camp program) and then to an Open House in October. These meetings are designed to help you understand the importance of the kindergarten year and what your child will experience and gain from it. The meetings will strengthen the home school partnership necessary to make kindergarten a great experience for your child and set him/her on the path to lifelong learning and success.